Table Lamps & Desk Lamps

Until 3 March
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Desk lamp

All styles of desk lamp in this online lighting store. From articulated desk lamps to wooden desk lamps and LED design desk lamps. To reduce clutter on the worktop, consider the clip-on desk lamp. Practical and easy to handle, it attaches to the edge of the table. An architect's lamp, meanwhile, can be rotated and is ideal for an office with an industrial feel.

With screens invading more and more of our daily lives, and our offices becoming increasingly sedentary, it seems essential to invest in high-performance lighting. Whether we're talking about our main or secondary lighting fixtures, the choice of the latter needs to be carefully thought out to provide the best possible protection for our eyes. Lamps adapted to your needs and your room will help combat migraine, dry eyes and eye fatigue.

Are you lost when faced with the multitude of models and colors on the market or in the various stores? Here are a few tips to help you find the lighting that's right for you.

What details should I bear in mind when choosing a desk lamp?

For a desk lamp to fulfill its role to the full, it must not only look good, but also have a number of technical features. The first thing to check is whether it can be adjusted in height. Indeed, depending on your size or that of your computer tools, you need to be able to raise or lower this accessory to always benefit from adequate light. This is a detail not to be overlooked, particularly when it comes to combating poor posture at the workstation and reducing musculoskeletal disorders.

The second thing to check is the direction of the light beam. A good direction of light means you're not constantly moving it to see better. Particular attention should be paid to models with an articulated arm. This feature is essential if you're doing precision work.

Adapted to the layout of your work table, and whether you're left- or right-handed, flexible or clip-on lamps are ideal. They can be placed on either your left or right-hand side to avoid shadows while you work.

Which type of desk lamp is right for you?

To achieve a beautiful harmony of light, it's generally advisable to vary light sources. The trick is to combine direct and indirect lighting. There are several ways of doing this.

Table lamps

Whether in metal, wood, concrete or brass, the various models that make up this type of lamp are a must for your room. Compact and mostly lightweight, they blend in perfectly with the rest of the furniture, offering a decorative and luminous touch that you can move around as you please. However, pay attention to the size of the power cord. It would be a shame to find yourself limited in the positioning of your accessory. Remember, a lamp should adapt to your needs, not the other way around.

Street lamps

Design, retro, contemporary or Scandinavian, there's something to suit every taste, every use, and at every price. They're the perfect complement to a ceiling light, for example, or to a feature light. Indirect lighting gives your workplace a studious, comfortable atmosphere, without compromising on design.


Although they are often criticized for diffusing too bright a light in an office space, they are nonetheless important allies. To do this, you need to take care to direct them towards a wall, even if they're LED, to avoid any risk of glare, and therefore fatigue. Equipped with white or black openwork shades, you'll get a soft light conducive to concentration.

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