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Speedo is a swimwear brand. Founded in 1914 by Alexander Mac Rae in Australia, Speedo initially manufactured underwear. The passion and development of sport led Speedo to redirect its activities towards water sports clothing. The brand quickly made a name for itself in this sector with the Speedo Racerback women's swimsuit. A swimsuit that left the shoulders free, offering great freedom of movement. The brand's other flagship product was launched in 2008. This was the Fastskin Speedo wetsuit: a swimming suit that combines technological innovation and comfort for top-level athletes. This prestigious brand's products have supported the great Michael Phelps in his greatest victories. But Speedo also caters for swimming enthusiasts with its various ranges of quality products. Women, men and children will find reliable, hard-wearing Speedo swimwear and accessories for relaxing or more strenuous swimming sessions.
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